CROWD Church

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Jesus walks on water - Mark 6:45-52

Talk starts around 13:30

Welcome to our 2nd Livestream as a Liverpool Church Plant :-) In this weeks video, Abi updates us on all things YWAM and Matt shares the next part of Mark's Gospel - the story of Jesus Walking on Water. This takes place after Jesus feeds the 5,000 (see last week's video for that talk) and there are some key lessons for us here too:

  1. It's good to take some time out to pray and recharge.

  2. Sometimes - life doesn't travel down the safe and sensible paths for us.

  3. God is more interested in our character than he is our comfort

  4. It's often in the hard places that we see the revelation of his glory.

  5. The disciples were straining at the oars, trying to make headway - and we all know how that feels! Where we are doing everything that we can to move forwards in life, but it doesn't feel like we are getting anywhere.

  6. Jesus sees what is happening to us.

  7. God works according to His timetable, not ours! Patience is key.

  8. Miracles make sense if you believe that Jesus is really God. It's the God that doesn't do miracles that we need to be suspicious of!

  9. The miracles that Jesus did points to Him as God.

  10. This is a great picture of the gospel - we needed rescuing, and Jesus does the most extraordinary of miracles - the resurrection - to rescue us.

  11. Jesus gives us four great pointers:

    1. Don't yield to fear

    2. Have Courage

    3. Understand He is real.

    4. He is great I am.

  12. Learn the lesson that God is trying to teach you through the situations that He puts you in.