CROWD Church

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Doing Rest

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Time Stamps

0:00 Intro

4:14 The Promise of Rest in Faith

9:52 The Importance of Rest and Faith

22:34 The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

25:05 Technology as a Distraction

28:33 The Importance of Solitude and Mindfulness in Faith

30:46 Being Present in the Moment

32:46 Aligning Life with Scripture

36:04 The Dangers of Burnout Culture

40:12 Finding Personal 'Tank Filling' Activities

43:54 Navigating Life's Valleys with Faith

Building the Biblical Practice of Rest and Stillness.

Finding True Rest in a World That Never Stops

In a world that seems to be constantly on the go, the idea of rest can feel elusive. But what if rest is more than just a pause in our busy schedules? In our latest livestream, we explore the deeper meaning of rest and how it can transform our lives.

The True Meaning of Rest

Rest isn't just about slowing down. It's about stopping completely. The Bible tells us that God rested on the seventh day, not because He was tired, but because He had finished His work. This act of stopping is a model for us. It's a command, not a suggestion. In our fast-paced world, we often equate rest with simply doing less. But true rest requires us to stop and reflect on what God is doing in our lives.

Rest as a Commandment

Rest is one of the Ten Commandments, highlighting its importance. It's not just a nice idea; it's a divine instruction. In today's world, many of us feel too busy to rest. We juggle work, family, and countless other responsibilities. But rest is essential for our well-being. It's about trusting God and recognising that He knows what's best for us.

The Role of Faith in Rest

Faith plays a crucial role in finding rest. It's about believing that rest is beneficial, even when it seems counterintuitive. We often resist rest because we feel we have too much to do. But faith requires us to trust that God will take care of the details. When we rest, we acknowledge that we are not in control, and that's okay.

Technology: A Barrier to Rest

Technology can be a significant barrier to rest. Our phones and devices constantly demand our attention, making it difficult to find moments of stillness. Notifications, emails, and social media can become distractions that steal our time and focus. To truly rest, we need to set boundaries with technology and prioritise moments of quiet reflection.

The Gift of Solitude

Solitude is a gift that allows us to connect with God on a deeper level. It's not just about being alone; it's about being present with God. In solitude, we can quiet our minds and listen for His voice. It's a time to surrender our thoughts to the Holy Spirit and allow God to fill our minds with His peace.

Aligning with Scripture

Aligning our lives with scripture is essential for finding rest. God's Word provides guidance and wisdom for living a life of peace and purpose. When we align our lives with His teachings, we experience the blessings that come from obedience. It's about embracing the truth of scripture and allowing it to shape our lives.

The Importance of Rest in Our Lives

Rest is vital, even during busy times. The Bible tells us to work six days and rest on the seventh, even during the harvest. This principle applies to our lives today. Even when we feel overwhelmed with responsibilities, we must trust that God will provide for us when we rest.

Finding What Fills Your Tank

Knowing what fills your tank is crucial for maintaining balance in life. For some, it's spending time in nature. For others, it's moments of stillness and reflection. Whatever it is, it's important to prioritise these activities and make time for them regularly. Busyness won't fill your tank; it will only drain it.

Conclusion: Embracing Rest

In a world that values busyness, finding rest can feel like a challenge. But rest is a gift from God. It's about stopping, reflecting, and trusting in His goodness. So, take a moment to pause, breathe, and find rest in the midst of life's chaos. Embrace the peace that comes from being in God's presence and allow it to transform your life.


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