Recent Livestreams

One of the things that we noticed about many church services is the way they broadcast their in-person church meeting. We wanted to do something much more personal than just filming the speaker walking up and down the stage. We didn't want it to feel like you were watching a conference. So we do things a little differently, and the way we do our livestream is much more geared towards the online community, no matter where you are in your faith journey.
Our Sunday livestream normally lasts about 45 minutes
Each livestream typically has two hosts, and you'll see both of them appear on the screen with a big warm welcome. They will let you know what will happen and invite you to join in the comments.
Pretty quickly into the livestream, we head into the talk that typically lasts about 20 minutes.
Each talk centres around an essential question like, "What does the Bible say about cancer?", "Are all Christians hypocrites?", "How do I pray?" and so on. We dig into topics like racism, faith and purpose. The beauty of doing a livestream like ours is that you can join in on the comments with your thoughts, questions and ideas.
Conversation Street
We know the church is not just about flashy Sunday Sermons or edgy worship, but it is about relationships, about doing life together, getting involved and having your say. So the second part of the service is devoted to a conversation around the talk.
The hosts chat through any questions or comments that have come up during the livestream and talk. This is an excellent way for you to contribute, to get involved, and it is a safe space to bring your questions. There is always plenty of laughter and banter as we look at how the Bible answers your questions. We don't know everything, but we do know that Jesus is amazing and has the truths we need to live a meaningful life.
Online Small Groups
After the Livestream has ended you’ll be invited to come and join us in our online small groups, which are informal communities where you can chat about your questions from the livestream and the Christian Faith. The Small Groups will take place on Zoom a few minutes after the livestream has finished. The link for the small groups will be posted on the livestream, so do come and join us. We would love to see you there.