CROWD Church

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How to Handle Conflict in Church

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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:

  • The talk focuses on handling conflict within the church, using Acts 6:1-7 as the key scripture.

  • The central point is the importance of addressing conflict with wisdom, love, and a Christ-like attitude, keeping the bigger picture and the mission of the church in mind.

  • The talk emphasizes the inevitability of conflict in life and the need to approach it with humility, forgiveness, and a willingness to learn and grow together.

  • The message is one of unity and peacemaking, encouraging us to handle conflicts in a way that strengthens relationships, fosters understanding, and reflects the love and grace of Jesus.


Matt + Sadaf discuss:

  • What stood out to you from Dave’s talk about resolving conflicts?

  • Is it always easy to ask forgiveness and to be the first person to do so?

  • When you lose your temper it can be hard to see things the way you should be seeing them. What do you do in that situation?

  • Having been in conflict long term with family, should I just leave them to their own drama and just live my own life? Or should I try and confront the situation head on again?

  • What can we learn from the way the apostles handled the conflict between the Hellenistic Jews & the Hebrews?

  • In what ways can conflict be a catalyst for growth, understanding and deeper relationships?


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