CROWD Church

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When Your Husband's Arrest Tests Your Faith

Guest: Esther Stamp

Esther is a Yorkshire girl who now lives in the North West (Preston) with her husband Darren and three children, who arrived through both birth and adoption. Two of her children have additional needs, so life can be pretty busy. She works part time in Operations Management, and is also very involved in her local church. She is passionate about walking alongside others who are struggling, really getting to know people, and is a keen foodie, so you'll often find her in a kitchen cooking and providing hospitality. Her house is an ‘open house’ – always full of people walking in unannounced – and that is how she likes it!

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Here’s a summary of this week’s story:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Faith Over Feelings: Faith isn't about feelings; it's about choosing to believe what is true about God regardless of how you feel. Prioritise theology over emotions.

  2. Community Experience: Not feeling close to God personally? You can still experience Him through the love and support of other people within the community.

  3. Authentic Worship: It's important to be real about your spiritual journey. Even during bleak times when you don't feel anything, you can still learn to praise God for who He is, no matter the circumstances.

Links & Resources from today’s story

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At Crowd Church, we are committed to creating a space for you to explore the Christian faith, regardless of where you are on your faith journey.

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