Be a guest on the podcast
Fancy being a guest on What’s The Story? It will be great to hear from you.
Who makes a great guest?
We think everyone would make a great guest. You don’t need to be a superstar, have a large Instagram following or even lead a ministry in your church. We love chatting with everyday people! In the past, we’ve said no to people who come across as pushy salespeople, but we hardly ever refuse folks that are willing to share their stories of faith and courage.
Have a look at our past podcasts, and you’ll see a wide variety of folks from across the globe on the show.
Our Process
The best way to get started is to apply using the form below. This will be sent through to our team, who will then get in touch with you to book a PreCall.
The purpose of the precall is to meet you and discuss topics and questions for the show so that we can use that info to plan the Podcast episode. It lasts about 20 minutes, and we will send you the link beforehand.
You’ll need a mic, a camera (we record video and audio) and a fast Internet connection - everything you need for a good Zoom call (we don’t use Zoom - you just need the same equipment). We will send you a specific link before the recording, which you’ll be able to access from any web browser (Chrome works well). Typically each recording takes about an hour. Check out one of our podcasts to get a feel for how we do the conversation.
The Podcast recording is then edited by our team to create both the Audio version and the Video version of the show. The audio is distributed to various platforms, including Apple and Spotify. The video is uploaded to YouTube and also added to the Podcast blog post on this website. These will go live at the same time on the preset date. We will, of course, let you know when that will be.
We share the Podcast on all relevant social media channels using both organic and, occasionally, Paid Media. We also email our subscribers. Of course, we will send you all the links and tag you where we can and would ask that you also promote the episode to your audience to get as many ears and eyes on the episode as we can.
If you're interested in being a guest on one of our podcasts, well, that's awesome! Just fill in this form to get the ball rolling. We get a lot of requests to be on the show, and unfortunately, we can't say yes to everyone. Often there is a waitlist as the shows are pretty popular. However, we appreciate your interest and will try to get to your request as soon as possible. Keep being awesome!