Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online

Philippians #7 - Pressing Toward the Goal
While we're pursuing God, He's actually pursuing us. It's like running towards a finish line and realising the prize is running towards you. Take Usain Bolt. He's naturally rapid, but did you know he trained six days a week, 11 months a year to become the fastest man alive? Sometimes we think faith's like that - all about our effort, our training, our dedication. But what if it's less about performing for God and more about responding to a love that's already chasing us down?

What Does The Bible Say About New Beginnings?
Many of us take the new year to think about changes that we want to make to our lives. But what about when we need more than just a change, but we need a new beginning, we need to start over? What does the Bible say about beginning again? Does it have examples of new beginnings that can help us?