Crowd Church Talks

What Does The Bible Say About Cancer?
What does the Bible say about... Anni Uddin What does the Bible say about... Anni Uddin

What Does The Bible Say About Cancer?

What does the Bible say about cancer? That's this week's question for our online church service. It's another huge topic, so come and join the conversation as we look at questions such as:

  • The Bible's Perspective On Life With Cancer

  • Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen?

  • How To Help Someone Who Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer

  • How Can I Pray For Someone With Cancer?

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What Does The Bible Say About Success & Failure?
What does the Bible say about... Matt Edmundson What does the Bible say about... Matt Edmundson

What Does The Bible Say About Success & Failure?

What does the Bible say about success and failure? That's this week's question for our online church service. It's a huge topic, so come and join the conversation as we look at questions such as:

  • What does the Bible say about success?

  • What is success in God's eye?

  • Does God even want me to be successful?

  • How do we overcome our failures

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What Does The Bible Say About Racism?
What does the Bible say about... Tony Uddin What does the Bible say about... Tony Uddin

What Does The Bible Say About Racism?

The church has not escaped the horror of racism, both in terms of being on the receiving end or in perpetrating. But in the bible, we find that God has a lot to say about racism. It shows us the heart of God and how Jesus breaks the power and grip of racism, and through the cross brings reconciliation to humanity.

It's a huge topic, so come and join the conversation

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What Does The Bible Say About Grief?
What does the Bible say about... Anna Kettle What does the Bible say about... Anna Kettle

What Does The Bible Say About Grief?

When someone we love dies, we go through a grieving process. We may feel confused and lost, not knowing what to do or where to turn. The Bible speaks to the issue of grief, offering comfort and hope amid our pain. In this Livestream, Anna will take a look at what the Bible has to say about grief. We'll explore different aspects of mourning, such as why God wants us to grieve and how long we should mourn. We'll also examine how people grieved in biblical times and see how God responded to their sorrow.

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What Does The Bible Say About Christmas?

What Does The Bible Say About Christmas?

With Christmas just around the corner, we look at what the Bible really does have to say about Christmas and how it's not the same as what some of our traditions tell us! There are going to be a few surprises in this one so come and join the conversation, it will be great to see you! And merry Christmas!

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What Does The Bible Say About Marriage & Relationships?
What does the Bible say about... John Harding What does the Bible say about... John Harding

What Does The Bible Say About Marriage & Relationships?

In this week's Livestream, we look at what the Bible says about marriage and relationships. This topic of relationships is hugely emotive. We can experience all sorts of pain in our relationships and all kinds of joy, so this week, we look at how our relationship with God shapes our relationships with people. We look at some of the wrong ideas taught about relationships and marriage and what the Bible has to say about singleness.

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What Does The Bible Say About The Environment?
What does the Bible say about... Elli Light What does the Bible say about... Elli Light

What Does The Bible Say About The Environment?

With COP26 in the news where world leaders are supposed to talk about climate change with many of us sceptical that politicians are not the answer to the environmental issues that we face, it seems a reasonably good time to look at what the Bible has to say about the environment? Does God care about climate change? Does it tell us how to be good stewards for our world today?

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