Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online

Faith and Fatherhood - Does It Make A Difference?
Can we talk about Father's Day? For some, it is a day of celebration. For some, it is a time of sadness or regret or loss. So what role does faith play in Fatherhood? Does it make a difference? Do these two things mix? Does faith make a difference to being a Dad? What about when things go wrong, or when our Dads are far from perfect? On this week's Livestream, we hear the stories from everyday Dads and chat about Fathering and God's role as the ultimate Father.

Ever feel like you didn't meet expectations?
Come and join this week's CROWD Church Livestream as James looks at the story of Matthew, and how this was the last guy you'd choose to have on your team. He didn't meet the grade. So how did Jesus treat him? And what are the lessons we can learn today?

Can I get a Miracle?
Sally Burch
Sally looks at a story in the Gospel where Jesus heals two women and asks are Miracles still for us today? We also get to hear Jemma's story of what happened when her new baby was diagnosed with a serious illness.

Is this the most important lesson Jesus ever taught?
Matt looks at one of the parables of Jesus and asks if it is the most important lesson Jesus ever taught? And if it is, what can we learn from it?

Why we should care about the departing words of Jesus?
John looks at the final story in Mark's Gospel. Jesus is getting ready to head to heaven but before He heads off, he has some departing words for us that are pretty significant!

Did Jesus really rise from the dead or is it all one big fairy tale?
Sharon looks at the resurrection of Jesus and the evidence that surrounds it.

The Burial of Jesus and why it is Important
Come and join this week's CROWD Church Livestream as Will takes a look at the burial of Jesus and unpacks why this is important.

Why did Jesus have to Die?
Why are Christians so fixated on the death of Christ? Isn't it all just a bit...well..gruesome? That's what Anna Grace and the team are getting into this week on the Crowd Chruch Livestream

What do you think about to get through the dark times?
We are looking at the difficult topic of the crucifixion of Christ. This was an incredibly dark time for Jesus, a shameful time that He despised. So what did Jesus think about to get through this? What helped him endure? And what are some of the lessons we can learn from this?

Can People Pleasing Ruin Your Life? Why Approval Addiction is a Challenge for us all
We are looking at the trial of Jesus and see how people pleasing pleasing caused men to abandon their values, destroyed the leadership of one man and caused hundreds of people to be manipulated in to doing stuff that was fundamentally wrong.

Dealing with Injustice
James will be unpacking the first part of the trial of Jesus, showing the injustice of the whole affair. James looks at how Jesus deals with the injustice and then digs into the lessons that we can learn from this.

The Empty Tomb - and why it still matters.
In a short message, Matt will be unpicking the story of the first Easter, when two ladies called Mary and Mary went to visit the tomb of Jesus only to find it empty. We look at the extraordinary events that followed and ask how it impacts us today.

Dealing with betrayal and abandonment
In a short message, Sally will be unpicking the topic of betrayal and abandonment by sharing her own, difficult story as well as looking at how Jesus dealt with being betrayed and abandoned by His closest friends.

Is the loving God of the New Testament the same as the angry God of the Old Testament?
This week's Church Livestream focuses on the common question - how is God seemingly so different in the Old Testament (first part of the Bible) to the New Testament (the second part of the Bible)? How can God be Loving when He seems so Angry?

Faith and Motherhood. Does it make a difference?
Faith and motherhood. Do these two things mix? Does faith make a difference to being a Mum? What about when things go wrong? Here are the stories from everyday Mum's and their journeys of faith and motherhood.

Peter Denies Jesus, but do we do the same?
There is a story in the Bible where Peter, one of the most ardent disciples of Jesus, ends up denying Jesus - the very person Peter swore he would never deny. It is easy to look at Peter and think that was just Peter. But Peter is a lot like the rest of us (it's one of his most redeeming features). So this week, James Sloan is going to look at this story and looks at the lessons we can learn.

How do I find meaningful connection and belonging in a world of individualism?
Where do you currently get your sense of meaningful connection and belonging from? It's a great question to ask yourself. Let's look at the Last Supper, a meal Jesus has with disciples and look at some amazing promises He makes about how we can belong, how we can find meaningful connection.

Living a life without Villains
Do you see others in life as the Villain in the story, the villain in your story? Do we see ourselves as victims? In this blog, John Harding dives deep on the topic and the character of Judas, the villain in the story of Jesus and asks what lessons we can learn for our own lives.

Bible Study (Lessons from Jesus and Mary )
How do we get the most out of reading Scripture? Can the Bible be trusted? What can the Bible teach us? These are all great questions. Christians talk a lot about the Bible, so how do we go about reading it? This week we are going to look at a Story with Jesus and Mary and look at how we can get the most out of reading the Bible.

What is my future? And is it good?
This week, we look at Jesus' predictions about the future and ask what it means for us. What does our future hold? And is it good? We look at our time here on earth, as well as remind ourselves about heaven.