CROWD Church

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Peter's Sermon Acts 2 (Acts 2:14-41)

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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:

  • Peter, a fisherman and disciple of Jesus, stood up in front of the crowd gathered for Pentecost to explain that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for.

  • He drew on Jewish scripture to tell them that if they repented and were baptized in Jesus' name their sins would be forgiven.

  • This message was new and revolutionary as it meant no more animal sacrifices or pilgrimage to the temple; just belief in Christ's resurrection could bring forgiveness.

  • Peter also revealed a prophecy from Joel which said God's Spirit would be poured out on all people so ordinary people could experience visions, dreams and prophesy - something never before seen or known until then.

  • The Western culture has a complex relationship with supernatural power, often viewing it skeptically but also being captivated by stories of characters with special gifts.

  • Peter's message on Pentecost was that Jesus' transformative power is now available to all who believe in him and come into relationship with the Holy Spirit.

  • This new way of accessing God's power was revolutionary, allowing everyone - not just Jews - access to forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • With this newfound access comes an invitation for each individual to explore what they can do when empowered by the Holy Spirit.


Matt + John discuss:

  • Peter stands up before the crowd. What does that scene look like?

  • Is it fair to say that “Joy” is one sure shot sign of having received the Holy Spirit?

  • In what ways have you experienced the Holy Spirit?

  • Peter, a Galilean fisherman went from being scared of telling a young girl that he knew Jesus to suddenly standing up to a large crowd and delivering an amazing speech that results in 3000 people accepting the good news. What caused this incredible transformation?

  • How is Christianity not a self-help program?

  • When the crowd heard Peter’s talk they were cut to the heart. What does “cut to the heart” mean?

  • How is Progressive Christianity misleading and dangerous?

  • How does Jesus challenge a culture that believes in living one’s own truth?


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