Crowd Church Talks

Turning Leadership on its head!
Origin Tony Uddin Origin Tony Uddin

Turning Leadership on its head!

In this episode, we're answering the question: what is Servant Leadership, and why did Jesus wash feet?

Servant Leadership is a clear and simple model for leading people that emphasizes humility and servant-leadership. Jesus modeled servant-leadership through his actions, and we can learn from his example to be effective leaders.

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What about the Church? - Alpha Course 14
Alpha Course Online Tony Uddin Alpha Course Online Tony Uddin

What about the Church? - Alpha Course 14

In our final week of working through the Online Alpha Course, we ask the big question - what about the church? Is it still relevant, or is it just an outdated idea? What is the purpose of the church? And should I attend church? This week Tony Uddin, a Pastor from the East End of London, starts to take a deep dive into this crucial topic.

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