Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online
To Step Into The Miraculous, Step Into The Mission
Discover the transformative power of stepping into your life's mission with this empowering message from Crowd Church, titled "To Step into the Miraculous, Step into the Mission." Dive into the Book of Acts as John Harding reveals how embracing God's calling can lead to a miraculous, faith-driven life that can change the world around you.
Does God Heal Today? - Alpha Course 13
When you read the Gospels and see Jesus' life, you can't help but notice that there are many miracles following him - especially healings. But was that for just then, or does God still heal today? Anna tackles this topic and shares stories from people who have experienced God's healing and those who haven’t yet found healing.
Can I get a Miracle?
Sally Burch
Sally looks at a story in the Gospel where Jesus heals two women and asks are Miracles still for us today? We also get to hear Jemma's story of what happened when her new baby was diagnosed with a serious illness.
Negative people and a blind man’s unique way of dealing with them | Mark 10:46-52
Have you ever had to deal with seriously negative people, energy vampires that suck the life out of your rather than helping you move forward? Well, in this week’s Online Church Livestream, we are going to look at the story of a blind man and understand his unique approach to dealing such people (spoiler alert…this guy is actually a hero of mine).
Does Jesus Still Heal Today? Mark 6:53-56
We look at the closing verses of Mark 6, just before Easter. They are incredible verses demonstrating the miraculous ability of Jesus to heal people - which leads us to one key question: does Jesus still heal today?