Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online

Philippians #3 - Living Worthy of the Gospel
Pete' Farrington explores the challenge of living a life worthy of the gospel and the profound themes of humility and sacrifice. The conversation looks into the significance of Christ's incarnation, the offence of the Gospel, and the transformative power of embracing God's principles.

The Good News Of Jesus
Ever felt like life's colors are a bit washed out? Like you're staring at a painting with the contrast turned all the way down? You're not alone. We've all been there, searching for something—anything—that adds depth, meaning, and vibrancy to our lives. That's where the good news comes in. 🎨
Join us as we take you on an electrifying journey through Acts 13, revealing how the Gospel isn't just an ancient story but a life-changing message that's as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago.

Christianity And The Pursuit Of Happiness: Stephen's Reality Check
We carry on our study of the Book of Acts. Today we are looking at Acts 7:51-60, see what we can learn from the story of Stephen, who ends up being martyred for his faith and how that ties in with popular quotes stating that God doesn't just want to give you Jesus but an abundant life too.
Somehow, Stephen found supreme joy in having Jesus, despite facing death. So has Christianity in the West been watered down? Is faith just about personal prosperity and comfort, or rather as a commitment that may involve sacrifice and even persecution?
What about the contemporary interpretation of self-love, has it been distorted to prioritise individual comfort and personal gain rather than denying oneself to follow Christ? Brace yourself for a reality check that is as challenging as it is enlightening.

Prayer That Changes Things - Acts 4:23-33
Discover the power of prayer that can change your life, transform difficult situations, and bring healing to your soul. Join us at Crowd Church for an inspiring talk by Pete Farrington, titled "Prayer That Changes Things," based on Acts 4:23-33. Experience how powerful prayer for a miracle in a difficult situation can lead to life-changing moments and shift the course of history.
In this talk, Pete explores the profound impact of prayer on the early church and how it can inspire us today to boldly declare the gospel in the face of intense persecution. Be encouraged as you learn how a deep understanding of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility can lead to a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Summary | Part 1
In this week's online church service, we look at a summary of the resurrection of Jesus as per the account in John's Gospel.

The Need for Jesus
Peter Farrington takes us through the next stage of the gospel of John. We're looking at how to really trust Jesus all the time, not just when we feel like we need Him.

What Does The Bible Say About Jesus?
What does the Bible say about Jesus? That's this week's question for our online church service. It's a huge topic, so come and join the conversation as we look at questions and topics such as:
Who is Jesus?
What are his teachings?
Why do Christians believe Jesus is the only way to salvation?

What does the Bible say about Easter?
What does the Bible say about Easter? That's this week's question for our online church service. It's a huge topic, so come and join the conversation as we look at questions and topics such as:
Why do Christians celebrate Easter?
Why did Jesus have to die?
Is there more to Easter than bunnies and chocolate eggs?

Why did Jesus Die? Alpha Course 03
This week, Pete looks at one of the most asked questions about the Christian faith - why do we always talk about the death of Christ? Why is it so important that He was hung on a cross? Why do Christians wear a cross around their neck? Isn't it all a bit morbid? Or is there more to it than that?