Crowd Church Talks

Can I get a Miracle?
Mark's Gospel Sally Burch Mark's Gospel Sally Burch

Can I get a Miracle?

Sally Burch

Sally looks at a story in the Gospel where Jesus heals two women and asks are Miracles still for us today? We also get to hear Jemma's story of what happened when her new baby was diagnosed with a serious illness.

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Christians are hypocrites
Mark's Gospel Sally Burch Mark's Gospel Sally Burch

Christians are hypocrites

One of the big problems that those outside the church have with those who profess to be Christians is the level of hypocrisy that they see. Christians are hypocrites. They say one thing but then do something completely different. Why do they not simply practice what they preach? Well, that is what we are going to get into today. Are Christians hypocrites?

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