Why You Matter More Than Kings (Genesis Part 6)

YouTube Video of the Church Service

Time Stamps

  • 00:00 - Welcome with Anna & Jack

  • 03:00 - Why God Made You Like Himself | Dave Connolly

  • 09:18 - What Ancient Kings Got Wrong About God's Image

  • 15:45 - Finding Your Worth in a Galaxy of Stars

  • 24:33 - Conversation Street: Real Talk About Identity

  • 38:32 - Can Christians Be Perfect?

  • 45:00 - Would Aliens Change Everything?

Ever felt like just another face in the crowd? This Sunday, Dave Connolly helped us discover something revolutionary about human identity – and it's way bigger than your Instagram bio.

More Than Just Good Vibes

From the very first pages of Genesis, we see something shocking. In ancient times, only kings claimed to be made in God's image. It was their way of saying "I'm special, you're not." Then Genesis comes along and tells us that every human bears God's image. Not just the influencers or the important people – everyone.

But what does that even mean? Dave helped us see that being made in God's image isn't about looking like Him (sorry, no divine selfies here). It's about carrying His essence – His characteristics, His values, His heart. Think of a photo that captures more than just appearance but something of the person's character, we're meant to reflect something of God's nature to the world.

God created us with the purpose, not just to rule over creation, but he created us for relationship with him.
— Dave Connolly

When Your Worth Isn't Up for Debate

Standing under a starlit sky at the Grand Canyon, Dave shared how easy it is to feel insignificant. But Genesis tells a different story. In a universe of countless stars, God chose to put His image in you. Not because you earned it, not because you're perfect, but because He created you with purpose.

During Conversation Street, we tackled some big questions. How does seeing yourself as God's image-bearer change how you treat yourself? Others? What about people who believe differently than you? The consensus was clear: understanding our divine DNA should revolutionise how we view everyone – from the colleague who drives us crazy to the stranger who cuts us off in traffic.

When God wants to create something more like himself than the rest of creation, what did he make? You and I... We are made in God’s image. We’re not a whatchamacallit.
— Dave Connolly

Perfect Isn't the Point

One of the night's most freeing discussions centred around perfection. Being made in God's image doesn't mean we have to be flawless. As Anna pointed out, it's not about striving for perfection but about pursuing relationship with God and letting His character shape ours.

We even ventured into some wild territory (aliens, anyone?). But whether we're alone in the universe or not, one truth remains: you're created to reflect something of God to your corner of the world.

Being a Christian gives me a much higher view of all humanity, of all people, because how can it not? I believe every person is created in the image of God. So it doesn’t matter if you vote the same as me, if you look the same as me, if you have a different skin tone to me... you’re still created in the image of God.
— Anna Kettle

What Now?

Join us next Sunday at 7pm UK time as we continue our journey through Genesis. Whether you're a seasoned Christian or just curious about faith, you'll find honest conversations about real life and a God who says you matter more than kings.

Watch the full message on our YouTube channel or catch up with the podcast.


More From The Genesis Series

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