Building Relationships For Spiritual Growth
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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:
The talk explores the significance of nurturing relationships as the cornerstone of spiritual growth, drawing insights from Acts 20.
The central point emphasises the power of self-leadership and encouraging words in our faith journey.
The talk underscores the value of belonging to God's flock and staying connected in our Christian community.
The message inspires hope, transformation, and purpose, guiding us toward a more meaningful life by embracing the principles of the Bible.
Matt + Jan talk about the value of intentionally choosing people to journey with and invest in.
The importance of Christianity being relational is emphasised. It's not just an intellectual faith but about being in a relationship with people.
They challenge the idea of being self-focused, suggesting that true joy and fulfilment come from serving others and focusing on Jesus.
The importance of self-leadership as the first step in leading others. This involves self-discipline and living out what one preaches.
They discuss the transformative power of serving and giving rather than receiving.
More from this series
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