Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online

How to Stand Up for What's Right
Are you tired of seeing injustice and wondering how you can make a difference? Join us at Crowd Church as we dive into exploring the inspiring story of Stephen in Acts 6:8-15. Discover "How to Stand Up for What's Right" in a world that often seems dominated by negativity and conflict.

Overcoming Adversity Part 2 - Face the truth and stop living in denial | Mark 11:20-26
Overcoming adversity - part 2. If positive thinking isn't the answer (what we talked about last week), then what is? What is Jesus' strategy for overcoming adversity and obstacles? This week we carry on looking at Mark 11, where Jesus tells about mountain-moving faith...but it's not what you'd expect!

Overcoming Adversity Part 1 - Why the power of positive thinking isn't that powerful | Mark 11:20-26
We all have obstacles and adversity to deal with - heck, we are in the middle of a pandemic that is affecting us all. So how to do we overcome such things? Well, the standard answer is just to think positively, be optimistic, see the glass as half full..but does that really work? Or does Jesus have some other advice to give us?