Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online

What Does The Bible Say About Marriage & Relationships?
In this week's Livestream, we look at what the Bible says about marriage and relationships. This topic of relationships is hugely emotive. We can experience all sorts of pain in our relationships and all kinds of joy, so this week, we look at how our relationship with God shapes our relationships with people. We look at some of the wrong ideas taught about relationships and marriage and what the Bible has to say about singleness.

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Singleness | Mark 10:1-12
At the time of Jesus, there were some crazy ideas about marriage and divorce (that often resulted in a bad deal for women). Jesus deals with these issues head-on and talks about what Marriage is actually about, why people get divorced, explains the exceptions to the no divorce rule and validates singleness…it was a busy day for Jesus…and it is just as challenging for us today.