Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online
Getting to the heart of the matter: character issues that leaders must deal with
Jesus is getting the disciples ready for the next chapter of their story - leading the church and carrying on the ministry of Christ. Before that can happen though, Jesus needs to help the disciples deal with some key issues in their own lives. And these are character issues that all leaders must deal with. So join us in this week’s Livestream as Dave Connolly leads us through our study in Mark’s Gospel and we see how Jesus gets to the heart of the matter.
Jesus’ top tips on how to be the greatest
Do you want to be the greatest? The greatest spouse? The greatest at work? Our ambition, our drive to the great is often seen as something dirty, something wrong…but the truth of what Jesus said about this topic may just surprise you.
Going deeper than coffee shop friendships and figuring out a better work life balance.
Our friends, our inner core, are essential for us to grow in life but all too often our friendships are impacted by the stress of living and work. So what are some of the principles we can learn from the Bible that help us have a better approach to life and to our relationships with folks? Well - that’s what we will uncover as we continue our study in Mark’s Gospel.
Why would I give up the right to do whatever I want with my life and follow Jesus?
This week, Abi looks at Mark 8:34-38 where Jesus says "..if anyone wants to follow me, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me". Who is Jesus talking to? What does He mean when He tells us to take up our Cross? And What has this got to do with why I decided to follow Christ?
God not doing something the way you think He should? Mark 8:31-33
This week, Sharon carries on our journey into Mark's Gospel and looks at what happens when God doesn't act or respond as you think He should. What happens when He doesn't something different? What if you don't understand that?
What does it mean to live a blessed life?
This is part 2 of the conversation with Jesus and Peter, as they are chatting on the road about Jesus being the Christ. Jesus calls Peter blessed, and so in this talk I want to dig into that and pull out what it means.
Two Great Questions that Jesus Asks that we should answer - Mark 8:27-30
This is a recording of our Sunday Online Church Service where we carry on looking at Mark's Gospel and get into a rather unique conversation that happens between Peter and Jesus, during which Jesus asks two very important questions.
Dealing with the Political and the Religious Spirit
In this week's teaching, Martin examines what a religious spirit is and what a political spirit is - and why both are dangerous.
Mark 8: Feeding the 4000 - a story of compassion in the ordinary
In this week's talk, Sarah talks about the story of the feeding of the 4000. It's a story demonstrating Jesus' compassion to the hungry. It's also a lesson in reminding ourselves of what God has done in the past and how that will give us hope and faith for today.
Some people, a deaf man and Jesus - Mark 7:31-37
Join us as we carry on our journey through Mark's Gospel and take a good look at this incredible miracle that happens to a deaf man
Is Jesus a sexist, or does he have some remarkable view about women?
This week, as we carry on our conversations in the Gospel of Mark, Sharon talks about Jesus' encounter with a lady, who wasn't Jewish and looks at how Jesus' response to her was extraordinary and ground-breaking for society.
How does Jesus deal with prejudice? Mark 7:14-24
Even after hanging out with Jesus for three years, and seeing the church grow through the most extraordinary time - Peter still had issues with prejudice, so as we continue our study in Mark, we look at a passage where Jesus talks about our hearts and how it is the key to dealing with our prejudice.
Evidence for the Resurrection and why the resurrection is so important to Christianity - Easter 2020
Easter is the best time of the year for Christians. But Why? Why is the resurrection so important and is there any evidence at all to support that it has happened? OR have Christians been caught up in a fairy tale for the last 2000 years?
Does Jesus Still Heal Today? Mark 6:53-56
We look at the closing verses of Mark 6, just before Easter. They are incredible verses demonstrating the miraculous ability of Jesus to heal people - which leads us to one key question: does Jesus still heal today?
Jesus walks on water - Mark 6:45-52
Welcome to our 2nd Livestream as a Liverpool Church Plant :-) In this weeks video, Abi updates us on all things YWAM and Matt shares the next part of Mark's Gospel - the story of Jesus Walking on Water. This takes place after Jesus feeds the 5,000 (see last week's video for that talk) and there are some key lessons for us here too.
The Feeding of the 5,000 - Mark 6:30-44
This is our first ever Livestream as a church plant! In the wake of the virus and recent events, we are coming in digitally. In this week's message, we are carrying on our study of Mark's Gospel. Specifically, we are looking at Mark 6:30-44 - the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and the key principles He outlines that we can use to serve the world today.