CROWD Church

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Why Self-Control is Your Superpower

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Here’s a summary of this week’s sermon:

Why Self Control is Your Superpower

Self-control is often one of the least discussed fruits of the Spirit. When people think of spiritual gifts, they usually think of love, joy, and peace. However, self-control is a key to unlocking a fuller, more joyous life in Christ. It’s essential for experiencing and expressing other spiritual gifts.

Biblical Foundation of Self-Control

Paul writes in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." The term "sound mind" can also be translated as self-control or self-discipline. God grants power, love, and self-control, providing a foundation for spiritual growth.

Practical Application

Self-control manifests in everyday situations, such as resisting temptations or managing distractions to make more time for God. For instance, avoiding the temptation to indulge in favourite snacks can reflect the larger spiritual discipline needed in life.

Scriptural Examples

Jesus demonstrated ultimate self-control in the Garden of Gethsemane. Despite immense power, He chose to submit to God’s will. Romans 8:5 highlights the need to live by the Spirit rather than by human desires.

Transformation Through Self-Control

Self-control is a lifelong journey, not an instant fix. It’s essential for knowing more about God and becoming more like Him. Romans 12:2 encourages believers to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. This transformation is akin to metamorphosis, illustrating a complete and beautiful change within.

Self-control is a superpower, a gift from God that, when nurtured, can transform lives and bring believers closer to His fullness and wholeness.


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