Crowd Church Talks
Series: Origin | What does the Bible say about? | Mark’s Gospel | Alpha Course Online

Breaking Bread Together: The Quiet Power of a Shared Dinner Table
Discover the transformational power of a shared dinner table in our latest talk, "Breaking Bread Together: The Quiet Power of a Shared Dinner Table”. Diving into Acts 11:1-18, we unearth the profound spiritual significance of breaking bread together, the essence of which echoes in every shared meal.

How to Stand Up for What's Right
Are you tired of seeing injustice and wondering how you can make a difference? Join us at Crowd Church as we dive into exploring the inspiring story of Stephen in Acts 6:8-15. Discover "How to Stand Up for What's Right" in a world that often seems dominated by negativity and conflict.

Characteristics of a Growing Church - What church should really look like
In this online church service, guest speaker Tony Uddin, highlights the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit, being united in purpose and vision, being devoted to relationships and growing in our faith, and connecting to the historic truth of the Christian faith to build a vibrant and thriving church community.

How To Be Resilient When Times Get Tough
In this week's service, we look at this idea of Living well in a world shaped by crisis with a thought-provoking talk by John Harding that will inspire and challenge us to navigate the complexities of the world we live in. As we face unprecedented times with global crises, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and uncertain. In this talk, John shares insights and practical strategies to help us find hope, purpose, and meaning in the midst of crisis. He draws on his deep understanding of theology, psychology, and real-life experience to provide us with tools to navigate our personal and collective challenges.

What Does The Bible Say About Loneliness?
What does the Bible say about Loneliness? That's this week's question for our online church service. It's a huge topic, so come and join the conversation as we look at questions and topics such as:
What is Loneliness and how does it affect us?
What does the Bible say about Loneliness?
How can we feel less alone?

How do I find meaningful connection and belonging in a world of individualism?
Where do you currently get your sense of meaningful connection and belonging from? It's a great question to ask yourself. Let's look at the Last Supper, a meal Jesus has with disciples and look at some amazing promises He makes about how we can belong, how we can find meaningful connection.