CROWD Church

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My Babies Died, My Faith Didn't

Guest: Julie Sunne

Julie Sunne is a resilient mother and author who has faced profound personal losses, including multiple miscarriages. She draws strength from her faith, which has guided her through the challenges of raising a child with special needs. Julie shares her journey and insights to inspire others to find hope and strength in their darkest times.

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Here’s a summary of this week’s story:

Three Main Takeaways from Julie Sunne's Episode:

  1. The Transformative Power of Faith in Adversity: Julie’s journey shows how deep personal tragedies, like miscarriages and raising a child with special needs, transformed her understanding of faith. Initially viewing God as a distant, sovereign figure, Julie came to experience His presence intimately through her darkest times. This profound shift helped her trust in God's unwavering love and plan, even when circumstances seemed bleak.

  2. Embracing God’s Attributes in Daily Life: Throughout her trials, Julie learned to lean on various attributes of God, such as His sovereignty, compassion, and omnipresence. She discovered that understanding and remembering these attributes helped her navigate life’s challenges with a strengthened faith. Her book, "Sometimes I Forget," emphasizes the importance of continually reminding oneself of God’s true nature to find comfort and hope in difficult times.

  3. Surrender and Trust in God's Plan: Julie's story underscores the necessity of surrendering personal control and trusting in God's greater plan. She highlights how, through surrender, one can find peace and resilience. Julie’s experiences taught her that while life might not unfold as expected, God’s presence and promises are constant. This message encourages listeners to trust God, even when His ways are beyond human understanding, and to find solace in His steadfastness.

Links & Resources from today’s story

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